Mybloglog is a powerful community for bloggers that bring more traffic to their sites, helps them know more about blogs and bloggers of their niche. Many people don’t realize the importance of mybloglog. This post will help you know what mybloglog is and how it sends valuable visitors to your blog sites.
Some Facts about Mybloglog
Mybloglog is a social community for bloggers where they can create and join the existing communities. Mybloglog was acquired by Yahoo in January 2007 with 45000 blogs registered at that time. Right now Mybloglog:
* Gets 100 millions of hits per month
* 140,000 blogs registered by now
* 7 google page rank (7 PR)
* 1070 Alexa ranking
How to set up mybloglog account
To start using this service, you must have a Yahoo Id or need to create a new one. If you have some yahoo id, you can use that for your account here. Here is how to setup your account on mybloglog, the biggest blogger community:.
* To create an account, go to & click ‘Join Now’ button
* Now if you want to use your existing Yahoo id for your account, ‘Sign In’ with that or ‘Sign Up’ for a new account on Yahoo here in the bottom of the page
* By now you have a Yahoo id for sure and use that id to Join here:
* Enter your Yahoo id, password and press enter
* Click ‘Create New Account’ with ‘I agree to the mybloglog Privacy Policy’ Checkbox Checked
* With this a confirmation e-mail is send to your yahoo id with the list of things you can do with mybloglog
* Now you can add your photo or Avatar with your nickname, create your profile url, join other communities, invite your friends to join mybloglog and many more things
* Fill in more information about you in your profile page
* Claim your blogs here and add the screenshots or MBL provided code in your blog template. Create communities corresponding to your blogs. We can add as many blogs you want in an account here and for every blog; will be creating a corresponding community. So if you have two blogs added in your MBL account, two communities will be created, one for each.
* Last step is about adding the Mybloglog Widget on your blog or website. When you go to your profile page, you will see a link below your created community ‘Get widget’. This widget is highly customizable and can be changed as per our site layout & design. When you add this widget toyour blog, it will keep track of the people that recently visited your blog from mybloglog community. This way you as well as your blog readers will have access to the people from MBL who recently visited your blog.
This is how account is created on Mybloglog.
Things that bring traffic from Mybloglog
1. Always remained Signed in your mybloglog account. When you are logged in, people will be able to see your mybloglog avatar with a link to your profile page in their MBL widget when you surf them. So choose an interesting avatar for you that people love to click.
2. Visit your favorite blogs and check if they have mybloglog widget installed. If yes, click on the ‘View Reader Community’ link at the bottom of the widget. Join that community and add that blogger to your Contact list.
3. MBL has a big collection of communities one can join. Join 15 communities everyday because that’s the maximum number of community you can join in a day. So you can start with hot communities and follow them with your favorite communities. You can search communities via tags or can make a direct search for them with the keywords of your choice. If you are looking for ‘make money’ related communities, make a search for it in the search box in the top right section of MBL. The more communities you join the more benefit you will have. But go for targeted communities only.
4. Create tags according to your blog niche. There are many bloggers who have created 100’s of tags for their blogs and I even have so far created 70 tags for my ‘Scopeformoney’ blog.
5. add-as-contact.png Add 15 bloggers to your contact list daily. Again 15 is the maximum limit that you can use in a day. Go for bloggers of your niche and add them in your contact list as a friend, family or you are a fan of.
6. Leave message to your community members and bloggers in your niche. Do it in a sensible manner and don’t try to spam their mailbox. Don’t leavemessage like ‘Nice site’, ‘Cool blog’, ‘Great site’, ‘Visit my blog’ and ‘Great community’ etc. Reply to the every sensible comments that you get in your community section and just ignore/delete/report the spammessage that you can in your mybloglog account. When you leave a sensible message in MBL member community section or on their blogs, they will surely check your profile as well as blog mentioned in your communities section.
My Experience with This Yahoo Owned community
I have been using this blogger community service for more than two years on my blogs and also been able to drive high amount of traffic and popularity for my blogs. So its time to get more traffic from mybloglog and keep on adding quality content on our blogs. So to join mybloglog click here and to join me and my Making money online community there click here. And to stay updated with MBL and everything about this blogging community click Mybloglog official blog
Some Facts about Mybloglog
Mybloglog is a social community for bloggers where they can create and join the existing communities. Mybloglog was acquired by Yahoo in January 2007 with 45000 blogs registered at that time. Right now Mybloglog:
* Gets 100 millions of hits per month
* 140,000 blogs registered by now
* 7 google page rank (7 PR)
* 1070 Alexa ranking
How to set up mybloglog account
To start using this service, you must have a Yahoo Id or need to create a new one. If you have some yahoo id, you can use that for your account here. Here is how to setup your account on mybloglog, the biggest blogger community:.
* To create an account, go to & click ‘Join Now’ button
* Now if you want to use your existing Yahoo id for your account, ‘Sign In’ with that or ‘Sign Up’ for a new account on Yahoo here in the bottom of the page
* By now you have a Yahoo id for sure and use that id to Join here:
* Enter your Yahoo id, password and press enter
* Click ‘Create New Account’ with ‘I agree to the mybloglog Privacy Policy’ Checkbox Checked
* With this a confirmation e-mail is send to your yahoo id with the list of things you can do with mybloglog
* Now you can add your photo or Avatar with your nickname, create your profile url, join other communities, invite your friends to join mybloglog and many more things
* Fill in more information about you in your profile page
* Claim your blogs here and add the screenshots or MBL provided code in your blog template. Create communities corresponding to your blogs. We can add as many blogs you want in an account here and for every blog; will be creating a corresponding community. So if you have two blogs added in your MBL account, two communities will be created, one for each.
* Last step is about adding the Mybloglog Widget on your blog or website. When you go to your profile page, you will see a link below your created community ‘Get widget’. This widget is highly customizable and can be changed as per our site layout & design. When you add this widget toyour blog, it will keep track of the people that recently visited your blog from mybloglog community. This way you as well as your blog readers will have access to the people from MBL who recently visited your blog.
This is how account is created on Mybloglog.
Things that bring traffic from Mybloglog
1. Always remained Signed in your mybloglog account. When you are logged in, people will be able to see your mybloglog avatar with a link to your profile page in their MBL widget when you surf them. So choose an interesting avatar for you that people love to click.
2. Visit your favorite blogs and check if they have mybloglog widget installed. If yes, click on the ‘View Reader Community’ link at the bottom of the widget. Join that community and add that blogger to your Contact list.
3. MBL has a big collection of communities one can join. Join 15 communities everyday because that’s the maximum number of community you can join in a day. So you can start with hot communities and follow them with your favorite communities. You can search communities via tags or can make a direct search for them with the keywords of your choice. If you are looking for ‘make money’ related communities, make a search for it in the search box in the top right section of MBL. The more communities you join the more benefit you will have. But go for targeted communities only.
4. Create tags according to your blog niche. There are many bloggers who have created 100’s of tags for their blogs and I even have so far created 70 tags for my ‘Scopeformoney’ blog.
5. add-as-contact.png Add 15 bloggers to your contact list daily. Again 15 is the maximum limit that you can use in a day. Go for bloggers of your niche and add them in your contact list as a friend, family or you are a fan of.
6. Leave message to your community members and bloggers in your niche. Do it in a sensible manner and don’t try to spam their mailbox. Don’t leavemessage like ‘Nice site’, ‘Cool blog’, ‘Great site’, ‘Visit my blog’ and ‘Great community’ etc. Reply to the every sensible comments that you get in your community section and just ignore/delete/report the spammessage that you can in your mybloglog account. When you leave a sensible message in MBL member community section or on their blogs, they will surely check your profile as well as blog mentioned in your communities section.
My Experience with This Yahoo Owned community
I have been using this blogger community service for more than two years on my blogs and also been able to drive high amount of traffic and popularity for my blogs. So its time to get more traffic from mybloglog and keep on adding quality content on our blogs. So to join mybloglog click here and to join me and my Making money online community there click here. And to stay updated with MBL and everything about this blogging community click Mybloglog official blog
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